Ford Diagnostic fault finding using ford IDS & Forescan

Using a combination of Ford IDS & Forscan we are able to diagnose even the most complex of for faults diagnostically, As pictured we recently had a ford focus 1.0 ECOBOOST in the workshop with a fuel pressure issue only at low speed and low RPM. This Focus ecoboost had been to a ford main dealer, a ford specialist and in to our workshop.

At first we ran a test plan to see if any faults were current present in the ECU memory at the time we tested no known fault were present. This would mean we had to try and get the engine management system to detect a fault. We took the car our for a drive to try and simulate both high and low fuel pressure conditions. After a number of test drives we finally found a tiny blip in the fuel pressure LOG when using the oscilloscope.

The P0089 fault was eventually logged and we not only tested the sensor directly but the pump also. The solution is to change the fuel filter and replace the fuel rail pressure sensor. Whilst the fuel pressure sensor is on order we cleaned the old sensor to see if this has any impact on the fault.

ford p0089 fault code
ford p0089 fault code

After the replacement fuel filter and rail pressure sensor data will be logged again to ensure the solution has worked. Further updates to follow.

In the mean time if you are having similar issues or are looking for a ford diagnostic specialist in Suffolk, Essex or Norfolk please feel free to get in touch. GEL Automotive Electrical LTD are based in Saxmundham Suffolk but have a fully mobile service throughout Suffolk, Essex and Norfolk. We are fully equipped with Ford IDS & Forscan to perform accurate diagnosis, coding, programming and retro fitting. Our Mobile service is by appointment only.