Landrover discovery 3 air suspension faults, in Felixstowe
Today we visited a Land Rover Discovery in Felixstowe, the customer reported their suspension had failed and the vehicle had dropped to the floor. Upon our arrival the number of air suspension faults we managed to clear these faults formed a high tolerance test, this freezers the suspension at normal height level to inspect the level sensors gap to set the tolerance. after a tolerance test reset the new tolerances to ensure discrepancies. tested and checked the air compressor voltage and the voltage to each sensor on the air suspension, none of our tests any faults with the air suspension. On further inspection we tested fuse box located in the engine to find 60 amp master fuse that relates Discovery 3 air suspension system, upon the customers request as we did not stop this fuse or have this fuse on our van we visited Ipswich Land Rover luckily carried one in stock on our return we fitted the fuse and proceeded to clear the diagnostic fault leaving fault after a test drive. If you are looking for Land Rover diagnostics in Suffolk in particular in Felixstowe please feel free to get in touch.