Ford P26a1 Exhaust after treatment

Ford Transit DPF fault, P26a1 is the fault code for the glow plug in the DPF filter. Using ford IDS we checked the voltage to the DPF glowplug and could not get a reading this suggests the glowplug is faulty.

P26a1 is a common fault code in the ford transit, this code will prevent a dpf regeneration from happening if this code is left in its current state for a sustained period of time the dpf filter will block causing more issues and potentially at lot more money.

As ford diagnostic specialists in Suffolk we are fully equipped with FORD IDS and have years of experience in diagnostics, coding and programming on ford vehicles. If you are having issues you can visit our workshop in Saxundham, between ipswich and lowestoft or you could take advantage of our mobile service that covers Suffolk, Essex and Norfolk. Our mobile ford diagnostics is by appointment only.